The walls of a prison

One of my friends on Facebook posted a famous saying by Roald Dahl “Those who don’t believe in magic shall never find it”. This provoked a thought inside me, trying not to be rude; I replied “Those who don’t believe in gravity shall never find it”. My idea about both, gravity and magic is same. If one day I wake up and decide that from today I do not believe in gravity, will I be flying all around? Well that sounds fascinating to me.

We live in a world of absolute abundance, yet limiting ourselves within the perimeter of believes. We create a prison and the walls are concrete. If, by any chance, we successfully break through the walls, Oh! Boy, the gates are well guarded by the people around us.

When a child is born, right from the beginning, he is asked to believe in fairies for the rewards and an old crooked man for the punishments. And in the later stages, these take the stage as God and Satan. By this time the idea of these supreme powers are so deeply embedded inside our brain that we have to make a lot of effort to squeeze it out.

Why do we believe in anything more than ourselves? Or do we use the mighty powers as the reason to escape our miscalculations and errors?

I am not asking anyone of you to drop the idea of the supernatural powers, but if you want something can any power in the universe come in your way and drift you away from your desire?

The behavior patterns of a human mind define his character. The way you train your mind sub consciously determines the actions taken. The zeal to achieve your goal is going to take you to one step closer and not mere fantasies.

There is a common habit observed in humans, they do not put in their entire passion into the things or future they want and when the life starts to fall apart, the destiny is blamed. It amazes me, that a person puts extra beliefs in an imaginary order and not on himself. He does not realize that he is shrinking the horizon of possibilities considerably by not taking the risks.

I believe that a person owns the complete responsibility of his or her future. He is a creator of his own destiny. The thoughts, life skills, courage and trust in him define who he really is. Our own actions are the fuel of our life’s roller-coaster. If there is something not going well in our lives, it is only because of our freaking miscalculated actions. No one else is responsible for those situations, but you. Putting all the blame on the destiny is an easy escape for the cowards. A strong person will always get back in the game and make it to the finish line, winning gold.

The existence of supernatural powers in the heaven is an objective phenomenon. Like gravity, magic is present everywhere, even though you believe in it or not. The god is always going to work in mysterious ways he has always been, you believe in him or not isn’t going to make any difference.

Definitely, future is fog, but if we free ourselves from the mindset of predefined destiny we can create the life we desire for. Sure it is not going to be easy, but in the end we will have no regrets in our hearts.


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